
Introducing our new RM3 e-learning system for health and safety professionals

29 June 2022
SMS Policy and RM3 manager Mark Griffiths explains how ORR has worked with the rail industry to deliver online training for the Risk Management Maturity Model.

We're delighted to bring to you the e-learning solution for our Risk Management Maturity Model, known as RM3 across the industry, who have been telling us for many years that they needed a solution to help their staff know how to use and apply RM3 across their organisations.

So, in collaboration with rail industry partners, we embarked on a project to pull together an e-learning solution for how to use RM3 across their organisations. The training is designed for health and safety professionals and demonstrates how to use the model correctly and have those informed discussions.


How the e-learning works

The training is split across two main modules. The first is an introduction to RM3 and features some video clips from our Chief Inspector of Railways Ian Prosser and members of the rail industry who speak about how they've used  - and are currently using - RM3 across their organisations.

The second module is split into three sub-modules that really looks in more detail at how to use RM3, and how to apply it. The final module within that second set of modules also allows the user to do a practical, experience how to use the RM3 toolkit and conduct an assessment.

How to access the training

The training is held free of charge on the ORR website. To find out more you can go to and that will take you straight to the RM3 page. At the top of the page you will see the e-learning modules that you'll be able to use and access.

Thanks to industry colleagues

We'd like to thank the following organisations for their active input to the project: Network Rail, the Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB), the Light Rail Safety and Standards Board (LRSSB), East Midlands Railway (EMR), which represented train operating companies and the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH).

We would also like to thank all rail industry members of the RM3 Governance Board for their general support and participation in delivering this project.