Content archived on 22 February 2025
This consultation was extended to 4 November 2013, as explained in our update letter of 25 October 2013 clarifying the contractual wording in relation to freight operators.
This consultation set out the specific changes to track access agreements that we would need to make to implement our capacity charge policy options. The options were consulted on over the course of the summer and were explained in the consultation letter.
Following this consultation, we will take into account stakeholders' comments as well as the decisions that we make in our final determination which was published on 31 October 2013. We will then begin the process of implementing our 2013 periodic review (PR13) determination into track access agreements. The changes will then come into effect on 1 April 2014.
Consultation letter
Our consultation letter gave an overview of the policy options whilst the specific amendments to access contracts were set out below.
- Consultation on proposed changes to implement capacity charge policy options - 30 September 2013
- Update on the consultation on contractual provisions to implement options for the capacity charge in CP5 – 25 October 2013
Changes to track access contracts
Please note that the version of Schedule 7 we used is that which we consulted on in our implementation consultation of 12 July 2013.
- Freight Schedule 7: mark-up for RFOA proposal
- Freight Schedule 7: mark-up for modified RFOA proposal
- Freight Schedule 7: mark-up for RDG proposal
- Open access Schedule 7
- Charter Schedule 7
Please also not that we are not proposing changes to the contractual wording for Schedule 7 for franchised passenger operators other than those on which we consulted in the implementation consultation.
Related documents
- Consultation on implementing PR13
- Consultation on implementing PR13 for charter operators
- RFOA freight capacity charge – proposal on methodology - 24 April 2013
- ORR consultative letter expanding the discussion on the capacity charge - 19 July 2013
- RDG's proposals on Schedule 8/ volume incentive/ capacity charge for CP5 - 28 August 2013
- RDG freight group proposal for the capacity charge for freight operating companies for CP5 - 13 September 2013
- ORR consultative letter on the capacity charge for franchise and open access passenger for CP5 - 24 September 2013