Consultation on ORR’s approach to assessing the quality of Network Rail’s stakeholder engagement in CP6

Consultation status
Conclusions published
Date of publication
Closing date

Consultation conclusions

This consultation invited stakeholders to comment on our proposed approach to assessing the quality of Network Rail’s stakeholder engagement in CP6, including on what the scope of these assessments should be.

Network Rail should engage with its stakeholders in a way that improves delivery for passengers and freight end users and enhances value for money. The purpose of assessing Network Rail’s stakeholder engagement is to incentivise Network Rail to improve the quality of its engagement, and to promote the spread of good practice across the routes and the SO.

After considering all consultation responses carefully, we have decided not to make any material changes to our proposed approach or to the proposed scope we set out in our consultation document. However, we have clarified a number of matters and will, where appropriate, take stakeholders’ priorities into account in the way that we implement our high-level approach.

Conclusions document

November 2018 consultation Collapse accordion Open accordion

Date published: 27 November 2018
Closing date: 25 January 2019

This consultation sought views on the scope of our annual assessments of the quality of Network Rail's stakeholder engagement, and on our proposed approach to carrying them out.

In CP6, we want the routes/SO to engage with their stakeholders in a way that improves delivery for passengers and freight end users, and enhances value for money. To support improvements in this area, we will carry out annual assessments of the quality of the routes’/SO’s stakeholder engagement.

We expect our assessments to provide a reputational incentive for the routes/SO to maintain and improve the quality of their engagement, and to highlight and promote the adoption of good practice across Network Rail.

We sought stakeholders’ views on what the scope of our annual assessments of stakeholder engagement should be. We also presented an outline of our proposed approach to assessing the quality of the routes’/SO’s stakeholder engagement in CP6, and welcomed comments on this.

Consultation document