Consultation on new guides for the Train Driving Licences and Certificates Regulations 2010 (suspension and withdrawal of licences)

Consultation status
Conclusions published
Date of publication
Closing date

Consultation outcome

We have now published separate guides for:

We have also published a key facts leaflet for train drivers.

The Railway Safety and Standards Board has published a number of Railway Industry Standards which are relevant to the TDLCR and these are referred to in our guides above.

The Rail Delivery Group has also published guidance on meeting the requirements of the TDLCR for its members.

December 2018 consultation Collapse accordion Open accordion

Date published: 17 December 2018
Closing date: 11 February 2019

Consultation on new guides for the Train Driving Licences and Certificates Regulations 2010.

The Train Driving Licences and Certificates Regulations 2010 (TDLCR) require all train drivers on the mainline railway to hold a licence and a certificate to drive a train. TDLCR implement European Directives 2007/59/EC and 2014/82/EU which aim to make Europe’s railways more efficient and competitive and to make it easier to operate cross-border rail services. The final implementation date for TDLCR was 29 October 2018.

Now that the final implementation date has passed and we have experience of administering the licence arrangements we have been reviewing our existing published guidance on TDLCR.

We are updating and simplifying the guidance and will be consulting on a new suite of guides to replace the old single guidance document. The aim is to target the guides at different people with duties under the regulations to make it easier to find topics. We have also produced expanded guidance on the process we follow when considering the suspension or withdrawal of a licence.

This consultation focussed on the first guide in the new suite which deals with the suspension and withdrawal of licences. It will be followed by subsequent consultations as follows:

  • Jan/Feb 2019 – consultation on train operators’ guide; medical guide; and driver guide;
  • Spring 2019 – consultation on train driver competence requirements and recognition of training and examination centres.

An overview of TDLCR requirements is also included for background information.

Consultation responses

Responses to consultation on new suite of guides for the Train Driving Licences and Certificates Regulations 2010
Published 16 April 2019

Consultation document