Consultation on amendments to the model freight track access contracts

Consultation status
Conclusions published
Date of publication

Consultation outcome

15 March 2024

This consultation proposed an amendment to the model freight track access contracts for the Network Rail network to bring them up to date. We are grateful to everyone who took the time to consider our proposals.

These changes are separate to the ongoing implementation of ORR's periodic review of Network Rail (PR23) although we intend to include all updates together when we publish the new model contracts before 1 April 2024 in readiness for CP7 Control Period. 

We have now deleted the whole of paragraph 5 (Amendment of the Rights Table) of Schedule 5 to all three of the freight track access model contracts as proposed, while retaining the definitions of ‘Principal Change Date’ and ‘Subsidiary Change Date’ as these are used elsewhere in Schedule 5. 

We will publish updated copies of the model freight contracts before 1 April 2024 in readiness for control period 7 (CP7).

We have published the responses to the consultations.  

Consultation responses to proposals Collapse accordion Open accordion

Changes we consulted on

We proposed to delete the whole of paragraph 5 (Amendment of the Rights Table) of Schedule 5 to all three of the freight track access model contracts. As a consequence of this, we also proposed to delete the following definitions from paragraph 1 (Definitions) of Schedule 5 as these are only used within paragraph 5 of Schedule 5:

  1. “Principal Change Date”; and
  2. “Subsidiary Change Date”.

GB Railfreight Limited response summary

GB Railfreight Limited (GBRf) supported the deletion of paragraph 5 of Schedule 5 of the freight model contracts however requested that the definitions of ‘Principal Change Date’ and ‘Subsidiary Change Date’ should remain as these are used elsewhere in Schedule 5. We accept GBRf’s observation and will retain the definitions of ‘Principal Change Date’ and ‘Subsidiary Change Date’.

Detailed response (by email):

  • Schedule 5, Paragraph 5: GB Railfreight has no concerns with ORR’s proposal to remove the whole of Paragraph 5 however the Schedule 5 Definitions of “Principal Change Date” and “Subsidiary Change Date” need to remain as defined terms. These specific terms are used in Schedule 5 of FOCs’ track access contracts as a means of limiting firm and contingent access rights to specific timetable end-dates. It is in common use and, therefore, is right that these defined terms remain in the Schedule 5 section.
  • Amendment to Paragraph 18.4.2 Right to Modify: GB Railfreight has no concerns with this proposed amendment.  
  • Clause 18.8 (Crossrail) and Schedule 11 (Crossrail modifications): GB Railfreight has no concerns with these proposed amendments. 

Network Rail Infrastructure Limited response summary

Network Rail supported the deletion of paragraph 5 of Schedule 5.

Detailed response (by email) - Updates to Freight model contracts

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on ORR’s “Amendments to the model freight track access contracts” consultation issued on 31 January 2024. Network Rail is supportive of the changes in the consultation, further detail is provided below:

  • 18.4.2 – Right to modify: When Network Rail’s registered address was changed in 2023 the current wording of 18.4.2 exposed a difference in how the details on page 1 and Schedule 1 could be amended. The change proposed in this consultation will mean there is a consistent approach to amending the details of either party should they change in the future.
  • Paragraph 5 of Schedule 5: This clause has not been used since its addition to the model freight contract. Any changes to windows in freight contracts are negotiated and applied for via the Supplemental Agreement process. Network Rail has no objection to this paragraph being removed.
  • Clause 18.8 (Crossrail) and Schedule 11 (Crossrail modifications): As this clause is now redundant Network Rail has no objection to its removal.

Other changes

In addition to changes related to the implementation of PR23 we will also be making two further updates to the freight model track access contracts as set out below:

  • Amendment to 18.4.2 Right to Modify. New wording will allow for name and address details at page one of the contract as well as at Schedule 1 to be updated by giving notice to relevant parties.
  • Crossrail. We are deleting clause 18.8 (Crossrail) and Schedule 11 (Crossrail modifications). 

Publishing your response Collapse accordion Open accordion

We plan to publish all responses to this consultation on our website.

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  • publishing your response on our website (unless you have indicated to us that you wish for your response to be treated as confidential as set out above.)

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