This page includes the latest documents relating to track access applications we are currently considering.
This may include application forms, draft agreements, any related documents and responses we make public.
We include current track access applications concerning:
- new contracts (sections 17 and 18)
- amendments to contracts (sections 22 and 22A)
For older applications please see the archive. Once we've made a decision, these documents will be removed from this section and relevant documents will be published in the track access decisions section.
Network Rail is responsible for consulting on most proposed new contracts and amendments. Accordingly, please check Network Rail's consultation web pages as well as our own when looking for details of current consultations.
We have published information relating to the competing and complex applications for the December 2024, May 2025 and December 2025 timetable changes.
New contracts (section 17 and 18) Collapse accordion Open accordion
All current applications we are considering for new disputed contracts (section 17) and new agreed contracts (section 18).
Amendments to contracts (section 22 and 22A) - Train operating companies Collapse accordion Open accordion
All current applications we are considering for agreed amendments to contracts (section 22) and disputed amendments to contracts (section 22A).