Competing track access applications


Information on how competing and complex applications for the December 2024, May 2025 and December 2025 timetable changes will be considered.

On 24 April 2024, ORR wrote to industry setting out a process for access applications for December 2024, May 2025 and December 2025. 

This process was necessary to manage an expected higher-than-usual number of access applications from freight and passenger operators for additional or amended services for these timetable changes. 

In addition, it was anticipated that some services in the applications would interact with each other, or have the potential to, at different points across the GB railway network.

Under the published process, on 20 May 2024, ORR received a higher-than-usual number of applications which also contained multiple interactions requiring assessment.

On 5 June 2024, Network Rail wrote to ORR, with its plan for assessing the applications. ORR responded to Network Rail’s plan on 22 July 2024.


An overview of the applications received was published on 29 May 2024. 

In August 2024 we published the applications received from passenger and freight operators and the related representations from Network Rail. We will continue to publish related information in line with our standard procedures.

As part of this process, ORR held an industry-wide meeting on 20 August 2024, which was attended by representatives from Network Rail and the train operating companies (passenger and freight). The purpose of the meeting was to ensure industry colleagues had the opportunity to understand directly from ORR its position on the competing applications and any actions it was taking.

Further meetings are planned on 25 September, 23 October and 20 November 2024. If any colleagues from Network Rail or the train operating companies wish to attend one of these meetings, please contact Claire Brooks.