Responses to RAIB reports 2023


Our responses to the Rail Accident Investigation Branch (RAIB) in relation to their recommendations published in 2023.

Incident dateReport
publication date
ReportResponse to
24/12/202119/12/2023Freight train derailment at London Gateway, Essex ORR response to RAIB dated 18/12/2024
14/01/202331/10/2023Serious injury to a passenger alighting from a train at Loughborough Central station

ORR response dated 22/10/2024

ORR response to RAIB dated 06/02/2025

31/10/202124/10/2023Collision between passenger trains at Salisbury Tunnel Junction, WiltshireORR response dated 23/10/2024
26/10/202223/10/2023Two trains in the same signal section at South Wingfield, DerbyshireORR response dated 22/10/2024
19/10/202210/10/2023Derailment of a freight train at Petteril Bridge Junction, Carlisle ORR response dated 01/08/2024
10/07/202208/08/2023Near miss with two track workers at Penkridge, Staffordshire ORR response dated 01/08/2024
05/07/202203/08/2023Collision between two freight trains at Loversall Carr JunctionORR response dated 30/05/2024
30/01/202227/07/2023Embankment washout under a passenger train at HaddiscoeORR response dated 30/05/2024
17/04/202210/07/2023Train overspeeding at Spital Junction, Peterborough ORR response dated 05/04/2024
12/10/202106/07/2023Buffer stop collision at Enfield Town stationORR response dated 30/05/2024
21/04/202206/02/2024Pedestrian struck by a train at Lady Howard footpath and bridleway crossing, SurreyORR response dated 28/03/2024
15/04/202215/05/2023Track worker struck by a train near Chalfont & Latimer Station, Buckinghamshire ORR response dated 28/03/2024
19/05/202224/04/2023Near miss at Farnborough North footpath level crossingORR response dated 28/03/2024
01/02/202216/02/2023Train driver struck and fatally injured by a passing train near West Worthing station ORR response dated 07/02/2024
06/03/202122/02/2023Track damage between Pencoed and Llanharan ORR response dated 07/02/2024