Investing in the rail network


We encourage investment in the rail network, supporting the Department for Transport and Network Rail’s ambition to make it easier for a wide range of investors (such as investment funds, scheme promoters, developers, and Local Authorities) to promote and deliver projects. There is already a well-established framework for investing in the railway. The Office of Rail and Road's (ORR) Investment Framework has been in place since 2006. 

To date, hundreds of schemes have been promoted by investors providing benefits such as line-speed or capacity improvements, re-developed stations, and associated infrastructure such as car parks or retail outlets. It is also possible to build new lines and add them to the network. Some schemes may be multi-modal, with rail transport connections forming just one element.

We are prepared to assist local, regional and national bodies in developing projects to be safe, compliant to relevant standards and legislation and accessible to train operators. Whether you are an experienced rail industry organisation or new to the rail industry, we can help you understand and navigate the regulatory requirements we oversee.

The information below provides an introduction to the main areas where we interact with third parties investing in the railway. As our role does not include developing business cases or making funding decisions, we also set out the other main organisations you will need to engage with.


When do I need to start engaging with ORR?

As a general rule, it is helpful if you engage with us as soon as possible.

The Investment Framework

The 2010 Investment Framework provides a means for infrastructure projects to be approved, specified and delivered outside of the periodic review process.

Managing safety

You will need to comply with general health and safety requirements applicable to all UK employers.


Interoperability authorisation has a direct relationship to safety, but has a wider purpose of ensuring technical compatibility, reliability, performance and accessibility of new or substantially modified rail vehicles or infrastructure.

Securing access to the rail network

If a train operator wants to run trains on the national railway network, it will need a track access contract with Network Rail.


We issue licences to show that a person is ‘fit and proper’ to operate railway assets.

What other bodies might I need to engage with?

Those wishing to invest in the national rail network or rail assets connected to it should approach various other bodies to discuss their proposals.