Occupational health

Guidance on health risk management assurance

20 May 2015
This guidance is aimed at assurance practitioners, such as those who have responsibility for ensuring that health is effectively managed in the organisation, as well as ORR inspectors.

Work-related health issues - key questions and answers

30 January 2015
Information on work-related health issues in the rail industry and directs you to detailed advice to help you manage and control health risks. On this page: General Q&A Employers Q&A Workers Q&A General Where can I find advice on a work-related health disease? The HSE's website provides detailed advice on most work-related diseases under tackling occupational disease. How do I report a rail

Occupational health strategy and progress

5 November 2014
ORR's Closing the Gap on Health report provides a comprehensive review of rail industry progress in managing occupational health by the end of our 2014-19 health programme. We have used this evidence-based review to identify our strategic priorities on health for the coming years in a revised occupational health chapter. We also have five position papers on the key health risks in the railway

Occupational health formal enforcement

26 March 2014
As part of ORR's strategy to raise awareness on occupational health under our health programme, we will publicise recent cases where formal enforcement action has been taken to secure legal compliance

Engagement on health

14 January 2014
Information on our occupational health programme's key events and a sample of the presentations. One key way in which we promote our health programme is by arranging and delivering presentations at key events. Launch of annual health and safety report 2017-18 The launch event for ORR's annual report on health and safety performance for 2017-18 included a presentation on progress by the industry in