GB rail industry financial information 2010-11


'GB rail industry financial information 2010-11' presents ORR's analysis of the latest financial data from train operators, Network Rail and governments. Key findings include:

  • Total rail industry costs were £11bn in 2010-2011 – 52.5% of costs were incurred for operating and maintaining the rail network and 47.5% in operating trains. The majority of these costs were covered by income from passenger fares (£6.6bn) and government funding (£4bn).
  • Significant variations in industry income and expenditure across GB's nine regional operating routes. The London Northwest operating route - GB's biggest route as measured by number of passenger journeys - received the largest share of industry income (20.5%). East Midland – which has the fewest number of passenger journeys of all GB operating routes – ranked lowest based on its share of industry income (5.3%).
  • Average government funding across all rail regions was 7.5 pence per passenger kilometre travelled. Using this measure, government funding was highest in the Scotland operating route at 15.6 pence per kilometre and lowest in the Wessex operating route at 1.7 pence per kilometre.

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