Economic regulation

Licence enforcement taken by us to date

31 January 2019
This page contains information about our enforcement action taken against Network Rail and others. It covers enforcement orders, monetary penalties, notices in lieu of enforcement action and breaches where no action was taken.

UK rail industry financial information 2017-18

28 January 2019
30 January 2019 The UK rail industry financial information 2017-18 presents ORR’s analysis of the rail industry’s finances. Industry income in detail Industry received £19.4bn of income in 2017-18, a 1.3% decrease from 2016-17. Income from fares was £9.8bn, a decrease of 2.4% compared to 2016-17. This is due to a 1.4% fall in passenger journeys. The fall was largely because of the 8% decrease in

Rail Regulator publishes passenger delay compensation claims data

10 January 2019
Official statistics released for the first time today by the Office of Rail and Road (ORR) show there were around 3 million compensation claims made for rail delays between April and mid-October 2018, of which 84% were approved and 92% were closed within 20 working days.

ORR takes formal action against Network Rail to deliver improved performance

29 November 2018
Passengers rely on both Network Rail and train operators to deliver performance but the role of the Office of Rail and Road (ORR) is to examine Network Rail's contribution. As such, ORR has today taken action against Network Rail to require improvements in its capability to deliver better performance.

Contingency arrangements for a delay to the statutory implementation of PR18

26 November 2018
A delay to implementation might arise if, for example, Network Rail decided to object to our PR18 review notices (to be issued on 20 December 2018). This might lead to us referring our final determination to the Competition & Markets Authority (CMA). As track access charges for CP5 will expire on 31 March 2019, a delay to implementation would mean that Network Rail would quickly run out of funding