Economic regulation

RIS2: Achieving real efficiency

8 October 2021
Achieving real efficiency is one of the six outcomes National Highways (formerly Highways England) is required to deliver in the second Road Investment Strategy (RIS2), set by government in March 2020.

Rail regulator highlights need for strong engagement between Network Rail and its stakeholders

22 September 2021
A total of 234 rail industry stakeholders helped shape today’s report published by the Office of Rail and Road (ORR) through sharing their experiences on the quality of Network Rail’s engagement. Findings show significant improvements in 2020-21, despite the challenging context of COVID-19, with a majority rating Network Rail's engagement as good or very good (73%).

Better Value Rail

13 August 2021
Better Value Rail (BVR) is a joint initiative between the Department for Transport, the Office of Rail and Road and Network Rail. It is a toolkit aimed to improve early-stage development of rail-based transport projects.