The assessment of the scope for Network Rail to improve on its cost efficiency is central to our work, since it enables us to establish efficient levels of track access charges when we periodically review Network Rail's outputs as part of a balanced package.
The initial industry plans On September 2011, Network Rail with its industry partners published two ' initial industry plans' (IIPs) – one for England & Wales and one for Scotland. These set out the industry's strategies in England & Wales and Scotland for the long-term, with a focus on what could be delivered in the next control period (CP5). Our analysis of the IIPs was a key component of our
This section gives a brief overview of the 2013 periodic review (PR13) of Network Rail's outputs and funding for control period 5 (2014-19). At the heart of the 2013 periodic review (PR13) is our assessment of what Network Rail must achieve in the period 2014-19, the funding it required for this, and the incentives needed to encourage delivery and outperformance. The review also looks at how