Monitoring Network Rail’s performance

Improving train performance in the North West and Central Region

12 January 2022
The most important thing to passengers after safety is the punctuality and reliability of trains. In 2018, performance in Network Rail’s North West and Central region (NW&C) deteriorated and failed to substantially recover during 2019.

Rail regulator highlights need for strong engagement between Network Rail and its stakeholders

22 September 2021
A total of 234 rail industry stakeholders helped shape today’s report published by the Office of Rail and Road (ORR) through sharing their experiences on the quality of Network Rail’s engagement. Findings show significant improvements in 2020-21, despite the challenging context of COVID-19, with a majority rating Network Rail's engagement as good or very good (73%).

ORR’s assessment of Network Rail Scotland finds it continued to deliver despite the pandemic but the tragic incident at Carmont is a stark reminder of the need for infrastructure resilience to extreme weather

13 July 2021
The Office of Rail and Road’s annual assessment of Network Rail Scotland’s performance in 2020-21 highlights a difficult year for the region. The derailment of a ScotRail service at Carmont, near Stonehaven, in which three people died, tragically demonstrates the need for Network Rail to make sure that railway assets are resilient to the impacts of extreme weather and climate change.

ORR’s assessment of Network Rail’s Wales and Western region finds it successfully delivered engineering projects but calls for more action on structures inspections and track worker safety

13 July 2021
The Office of Rail and Road’s annual assessment of Network Rail’s performance shows the Wales and Western region was able to complete upgrade and renewal work despite the pandemic. The regulator also highlights the need for improvements to track worker safety and the examination of structures, in the region.