Access and licensing

Consultation on improving Schedule 5 of the model freight track access contract

20 January 2016
On 6 November 2015 we consulted on proposed changes to Schedule 5 and the associated Rights Table in the model freight track access contract. This also included consequential changes to Schedule 4. These changes are to reflect the move away from freight access rights having "Levels" and towards having origin and destination timing windows for services. We also proposed to simplify the Rights Table

Regulation 29 appeal by DBS for access and services at Freightliner Southampton Maritime Terminal

2 November 2015
Reg 29 appeal by DBS for access and services at FL Maritime Terminal Application form Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 3a Appendix 3b Freightliner's representations Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 3 Appendix 5 Appendix 7 DBS's representations Annex to DBS representations FL email ORR Decision Disclosure ORR Initial consideration FL reps on disclosure -19 May 2015 FL further reps -01 July 2015 ORR

Protecting consumers

20 November 2014
Train companies have a number of consumer facing obligations and it is important that passengers get the service to which they are entitled. We oversee a number of these obligations which sit in train companies’ licences and in general consumer law (others sit, for example in train companies’ franchise agreements with Government).

Licence exemptions

14 January 2014
Licence exemptions exempt named operators from the requirement to hold a licence.

Current appeals under Network Rail's Network Code

13 January 2014
Under Part M of Network Rail's Network Code, a party can appeal to ORR against any determination made by the relevant panel of the Access Disputes Committee which it considers to be wrong or unjust because of a serious procedural or other irregularity.

East Coast Main Line

13 January 2014
This page contains information on our consideration of capacity, performance and current applications for access on the East Coast Main Line (ECML). Process for current applications We have provided a number of updates to stakeholders to set out how we plan to take forward our consideration of competing applications on the ECML. Decision letter ECML decision letter 12 May 2016 Track Access