
Retail market review for selling tickets

19 February 2014
The purpose of the review is to consider how current regulation and industry arrangements and practices within the retail market are facilitating choice and, in particular, promoting investment and innovation in the best interest of passengers. Stakeholder workshop ORR's stakeholder workshop for the review of the rail retail market took place on 8 May 2014. The note and presentation slides below

Setting the financial and incentive framework for Network Rail in control period 5 (CP5)

31 January 2014
This page sets out details of our document periodic review 2013: setting the financial and incentive framework for Network Rail in CP5, which we published on 1 May 2012. In 2011, we published the following consultations which covered issues relating to the financial and incentive framework for control period 5 ( CP5 ): our first consultation on PR13, 25 May 2011; consultation on the potential for

Improvement notices 2013

23 January 2014
A list of 2013 health and safety notices which allow time for the recipient to comply with the law.

Improvement notices

23 January 2014
Our inspectors normally enforce health and safety standards by giving advice on how to comply with the law. Sometimes they must order people to make improvements by issuing them with a notice, for example an improvement notice, which allows time for the recipient to comply.

Rail Value for Money study - Consultants' reports

22 January 2014
The rail Value for Money (VfM) study commissioned a number of consultants' reports to inform its thinking. This page provides links to copies of these reports. While these reports were commissioned by the Department for Transport (DfT) and the Office of Rail Regulation (ORR), the findings and recommendations are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the DfT and the ORR

On the Move: making sense of car and train travel trends in Britain

22 January 2014
In early 2012, the Office of Rail Regulation, in conjunction with the Independent Transport Commission, the RAC Foundation and Transport Scotland, co-sponsored a study on car and rail traffic trends in Great Britain. The study, based on National Travel Survey data from 1995 – 2007, investigated behaviour changes and other factors which may be causing a leveling off in car traffic and sustained

GB rail industry financial information 2011-12

22 January 2014
GB rail industry financial information 2011-12 presents ORR's analysis of the latest financial data from train operators, Network Rail and governments. Key findings include: Passenger income was £7.2bn in 2011-12, an increase of 8.7% from 2010-11. This is partly attributable to a 7.2% increase in the number of passenger journeys. Passenger income represents ticket income from passenger journeys as