
Monitoring Highways England’s network investment

20 July 2016
This consultation has now concluded. Conclusions and next steps We consulted on our approach to monitoring Highways England’s delivery of its network investment in summer 2016. The approach detailed in this document takes account of the responses received and sets out how the ORR monitors Highways England’s network investment plans and delivery of those plans, against the requirements of the Road

Review of Outcome Frameworks in other Regulated Sectors

30 June 2016
This page contains details of the Office of Rail and Road’s (ORR’s) work in informing its input into the second Road Investment Strategy (RIS2) 2020/21-2024/25. A key aspect of ORR’s role as Highways Monitor is to provide advice to the Secretary of State for Transport in relation to draft Road Investment Strategies – and in particular, whether the Strategies set for Highways England are both

ORR starts quinquennial review of RSSB

Content archived on 03 July 2024

10 June 2016
The Office of Rail and Road (ORR) has this week been invited to begin a review of the RSSB, an exercise that takes place every five years.

ORR’s Business Plan for 2016-17

Content archived on 03 July 2024

19 April 2016
Joanna Whittington, Chief Executive, announces publication of our 2016/17 Business Plan.

ORR acts to help rail passengers get compensation for train delays

Content archived on 03 July 2024

30 March 2016
The Office of Rail and Road (ORR) has looked at how train operators tell their passengers about compensation schemes, and how easy it is for passengers to claim compensation payments for train delays. We met with all train operators and reviewed their claims processes, websites and social media content.

Benchmarking Highways England

Content archived on 03 July 2024

11 February 2016
We are coming to the end of the first year for the Office of Rail and Road (ORR) as the Highways Monitor and for Highways England in its role as steward of the English Strategic Road Network (SRN). In that time, ORR’s Highways team has built up a good feel for how Highways England is performing against the obligations and targets in the Road Investment Strategy.

Highways England's supply chain capability

7 January 2016
This study aims to understand the capacity constraints within Highways England’s (HE) supply chain which could influence deliverability of the first Road Investment Strategy (RIS1) (2015/16 –2019/20). The Office of Rail and Road (ORR) commissioned Credo Business Consulting LLP to undertake a fieldwork study with representatives of HE’s supply chain, capturing input from across all tiers of