Monitoring Network Rail's efficiency


By reporting on Network Rail’s efficiency and wider financial performance, and the wider rail industry’s productivity, we give assurance to rail users and funders that Network Rail is delivering what is expected and at the same time, we provide a strong reputational incentive on Network Rail and the industry to become more efficient.

Annual efficiency and finance assessment 2024

Our annual assessments are intended to help customers, funders and other interested parties gain a better understanding of Network Rail's efficiency and financial performance compared with the CP6 financial assumptions that we set out in our 2018 periodic review (PR18) final determination.

Our assessment provides a snapshot based on the best available information and presents financial data on Great Britain, England and Wales, and Network Rail’s five regions: Scotland, Southern, Wales and Western, Eastern, and North West and Central.

It contains reported figures and commentary on Network Rail's income and expenditure and its efficiency compared to our PR18 determination.

Report on rail industry productivity 2025

Our report on rail industry productivity analyses the outputs produced by the rail industry in return for its inputs (in the form of expenditure or labour). We consider how productivity has changed over time for different parts of the industry such as rail infrastructure, and passenger and freight operators.

Our 2025 report is the second iteration of our productivity reporting.

Director of Economics, Finance and Markets Will Godfrey discusses the report in his latest blog.

Previous annual efficiency and finance assessments Collapse accordion Open accordion

Older annual efficiency and finance assessments are available on the National Archives.