Consultation on changes to operator licences

Consultation status
Conclusions published
Date of publication
Closing date

Consultation update

For holders of EU passenger licences we updated their GB Statement of National Regulatory Provisions (SNRP) as well as their station licences on 3 December 2019. On 24 June 2020 we also updated those operators who just hold station licences too. For operators who provide traction only services, we have now modified their SNRPs.

October 2019 consultation

We need to make changes to some licence conditions because the domestic exemption for Regulation 1371/2007/EC on rail passengers’ rights and obligations expires on 3 December 2019 and the Department for Transport has decided not to renew it.

These changes will affect operators that hold both GB passenger statement of national regulatory provisions (SNRP) (which are granted by ORR alongside European passenger licences) and station licences granted under the Railways Act 1993. Also captured are those operators who DO NOT hold a passenger SNRP, but hold station licences that include stations where a passenger SNRP holder stops at that station.

ORR was given powers under domestic law to make these changes without the consent of the licence holder, but we are inviting any comments on the drafting.

Responses to these changes are sought by 19 November 2019. Following this, we will issue licence modification notices to those affected by 3 December 2019.